How to Setup Out of Office Email Reply in Gmail on iPhone and Android

When you set up out of office email using vacation responder feature in Gmail, you basically ensure that you can spend your holidays or vacation peacefully with your loved ones. Gmail is normally used by most of the smartphone users across the world; the leading ones are Apple’s iPhones (some also use iPads) and Android phones. If you are planning a pleasure trip with your family and loved ones, you need to setup out of office email in Gmail reply on iPhone and Android device.

A vacation responder of Gmail is a great way to send an automated reply to incoming messages. After a yearlong hard work at the office, a small vacation works as a stress-buster. While you are on your winter vacation, you won’t like the idea of reading emails, and therefore, businessmen and professionals like to set up an automatic reply message on their Gmail IDs.

How to Setup Auto Response Email in Gmail on iPhone and Android

Why should you Compose Automatic Reply Message in Gmail on your iPhone and Android?

You have worked for 11 and half months in your office; your job or business nearly squeezes your nerves. To relax, you need to plan an escape from the daily grind of work life. Winter gives you a perfect opportunity to spend your Christmas holidays with your spouse and kids. And during this me-time, you don’t like any interruption, not even a mail from your office colleague or boss. This is the reason why people set up auto response email on their iPhones and Android phones.

Is it ok to set up an Out of Office message in Gmail on iPhone and Android?

Unlike call recording, setting up an email away message is quite normal and legal in all countries. In fact, it creates a professional impression of yours when you send autoresponder messages to your office colleagues. So do not worry about the legalities of this feature and set a vacation email message.

How to write a vacation auto-reply message on your iPhone or Android?

Search Google and you will find a number of vacation responder message templates. Not everyone knows the art of writing beautiful vacation automatic reply message, and therefore, there are some examples available on Google of professional out of office email messages.

How to Setup Out Off Office Email Reply in Gmail on iPhone and Android

Quick Links:

How to Setup Automatic Reply Message in Gmail on iPhone and iPad
How to Setup Gmail Vacation Auto Responder on Android

How to Setup Automatic Reply Message in Gmail on iPhone and iPad

Step #1: Open Gmail or Inbox App on your iPhone.

Step #2: Tap on Menu button (three horizontal lines).

Step #3: Scroll down and tap on Settings.

Go to Settings in Gmail App on iPhone

Step #4: Choose your Email ID for which you want to set automation reply.

Choose Email ID for which you want to setup gmail auto responder message

Step #5: Tap on Vacation Responder option.

Tap on Vacation Responder in Gmail Settings on iPhone

Step #6: Turn ON Vacation Responder Option.

Step #7: Enter First day date and last day date of your vacation.

Enter First and Last day of your vacation in Gmail on iPhone

Step #8: Now, enter email subject for Gmail autoresponder. For example: On Christmas vacation.

Enter Email Subject in Gmail on iPhone to Automatic Message Respond

Step #9: Next, type the message in body of email and show your courtesy for email received. For example: “I have just got your email, but I won’t be able to respond you immediately as I am on Christmas vacation till 31st Dec”.

Enter Email Auto Resond Message in Gmail on iPhone

Step #10: Toggle on Send only to my contacts if you want to send this auto message only to your contacts.

If you leave it as it is, the auto-reply will be sent to all the emails you receive in your mailbox.

Step #11: Finally, tap on Save.

Tap on Save so that all your incoming messages receive your vacation responder mail

How to Setup Gmail Vacation Auto Responder on Android

Step #1: Launch Gmail or Inbox App on your Android phone or tablet.

Step #2: Now, tap on Menu button (check those three horizontal lines).

Step #3: Next, you need to scroll down and tap on Settings.

Step #4: Here, select your Email ID for which you want to set Gmail vacation responder.

Step #5: Then tap on Vacation Responder option.

Step #6: Toggle Vacation Responder Option ON.

Step #7: Now, enter First-day date and last day date of your holidays or vacation.

Step #8: Next, you need to enter email subject for vacation autoresponder. For example: On Christmas holidays.

Step #9: Then, create the message in body of email and mention that you have received an email. For example: “I have received your email, but I am afraid I won’t be able to reply you now as I am on Christmas holidays till 31st Dec”.

Step #10: Tick the checkbox ‘Send only to my contacts’ if you want to send this auto-reply only to your contacts.

Step #11: Finally, tap on Done.

That’s it!

Your auto-reply will be sent to the person from whom you have received a mail.

Also Read:

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